Moe Hackeysack
Vital statistics
Title Moe Hackeysack
Gender Male
Race Caucasian
Age 50's
Born Unknown
Eye Color Blue-Gray
Occupation Stocker
Status Alive
Location Greenwood

Moe works at Mr. Grocery's Store and is assumed to be the oldest person in the story, except for maybe Bruce Grocery. Moe is back room clerk, and has worked at Mr. Grocery's Store since high school. Moe is a character in the AJM STUDIOS Comic, Grocery Store 101.

About Him[]

More has worked at Mr. Grocery's Store since high school. At times he seems to hate his life, but when talked too, he often speaks common sense, and is kind. Moe enjoys 1970's music, which people can make assumption he was born during that era. Moe has a rough look, and age lines on his face. He appears to be strong when moving product around and is looked up upon by Barry Winslow. Moe is assumed to be the oldest person in the store, except for maybe Bruce Grocery.

Moe's personal life is unknown.

High Points in the Series[]

In the episode How Can I Provide you with Excellent Service?, Moe gets caught in a box bailer and is absolutely crushed and distorted.

Mr. Grocery's Store | Paul Benson | Cindy Breakwater | Tarin Flaxseed | Trent Goodwin | Bruce Grocery | Moe Hackeysack | Larry Homestead | Lauren Olsinger | Kelly Paletto | Erin Rouse | Marty Shoeman | Barry Winslow